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Six Sigma and knocking out errors is an equation that is simply eternal. And in this blog, you’ll understand why. Six Sigma Certification In the age of transformation, are you falling behind “Time”?
How do you plan to manage Quality, Cost, and Schedule at the same time, before “Time” runs your business out? Six Sigma is something you must learn in order to contribute to fulfilling the company’s requirements. Now, is Six Sigma certification enough to smoothen the company’s processes by eliminating flaws? Can it really accelerate the company’s growth and extract profit?To clarify, let’s read further to get a complete answer.
In the early 1980s, just like any other leading American hi-tech company, Motorola was falling short in preserving its place in a market full of Japanese competitors. The customers of Motorola were dissatisfied with the quality of products and lack of good customer service. To add fuel to the fire, Japanese competitors had designed products out of great quality standards that American companies thought they could never cope with.Motorola had to come up with a plan tonput an end to its grave financial trouble.After in-depth research of the markets and processes, an engineer named Bill Smith who was working with Motorola envisioned a brand new concept. That concept, defacto, is known as the quality management process or Six Sigma Proces. After experimenting it in the year 1986, they realized how significant and useful this theory is at improving processes. Experiments soon turned into regular practices and soon, they documented a profit of more than $16 billion, all as a consequence of adopting Six Sigma.
As a result, Motorola decided to share the ‘Six Sigma secret’ with every company in the world that wished to better their processes. After that, millions of companies around the globe have been considering Six Sigma as a “path of running businesses successfully”. Over the years, the same path has been spruced up and showcased into a clear, sound theory of principles. This theory called “Six Sigma” is focused on business transformation through a neatly determined process.
six sigma Motorola logo
The most renowned organizations in thenworld such as Amazon, Bank of America, Boing, Dell, Ford, General Electric,netc. have proven the effectiveness of Six Sigma through their operations.
Six Sigma is a body of quality management tools and theories devised to improve businesses by eliminating possible errors. It is a data-driven approach that practices statistical methodologies for removing deficiencies.It teaches more than just QualitynControl. It also explains Waste Reduction, Risk Management and mostnimportantly, the importance of Great Customer Support.Six Sigma, in a broader term, can mean so many things, but according to Motorola, Six Sigma means a fully equipped framework that mainly serves as 3 things – as a measurement system, methodology and at the same time, as a management system. Let us see how:
Since Six Sigma has been proven to equate to 3.4 defects per one million opportunities (DPMO), the term “Sigma” is often referred to as a measurement system for the rank of ‘goodness’ or quality for any service or product. Therefore, Six Sigma began as an error elimination effort in manufacturing and was applied to other business processes for the same purpose.
Six Sigma is a business enhancement methodology that targets customer requirements for an organization. Apart from that, it focusses on the alignment of business processes to reach those requirements and data analysis to eliminate variation in the processes. The successful application of these methods is what helps an organization come closer to the utmost level of customer satisfaction.
In order to gain the aimed changes or improvements, process metrics and structured methodology must be applied to the overall organizational strategy. As a management system, Six Sigma performs effectively for executing such a strategy. It is a solution that aligns business strategies, organizes teams’ efforts to identify and target important projects, fast-tracks positive results, and ensures the maintenance or sustainability of all these.Six Sigma certification gives you clarity and reflects a strategy that transforms anything, not just businesses. You can implement the same methods to plan your daily routine or to set up a holiday schedule.Where there is a project, there is a quality of an end result. To control quality, manage risk-time-schedule, reduce cost, etc. If you're interested in the details, you can read Google's post on the subject: Online casino features: Big jackpots and generous payouts. , Six Sigma methodologies are always effective.
Recently, Six Sigma practitioners have combined Six Sigma ideas with lean manufacturing to design a system named Lean Six Sigma. The Lean Six Sigma methodology is focused on lean manufacturing that explains the flow and waste issues of a process with the objective of achieving the ideal “business and operational excellence“.Even though there are similarities between Six Sigma and Lean Management with regards to tools, they are two separate programs. Both concepts are Japanese-influenced. However, they share different features, for example, Six Sigma concentrates on eliminating errors and accurate data acquisition whereas, Lean focuses on minimizing waste and using methodologies that contribute towards an organization’s efficiency.Read SixnSigma vs. Lean Management to distinguish between these two systems in anbetter way.Now that you know what Six Sigma is,let’s read about how it really works.
Six Sigma Top 5 Principles
Every organization works towards increasingnprofit. Consumer when satisfied, whether internal or external, helps us meetnthe final goal of reaping profitable results.nFor that to happen, understanding the demands of our customers is vital,nwithout which creating values or gaining faith from them is absolutelynimpossible. Establishing quality standards according to the consumernrequirements is the key element of this principle.
Asking questions to yourself and your teammates liken‘what are the areas of waste?’, ‘What are the hurdles in the current project?’nand ‘Are there any external factors involved which might create problemsnlater?’ helps build your data stronger. Gather data to find out the specificnproblem area that needs to be transformed. Having clearly defined goals for thencollection of data and confirming the accuracy of measurements will establish anstandardized data collection system for you.
Once you have identified the problem, making changes ithe process according to the newly acquired data is easier. Eliminatingndeficiencies and defects and most importantly, removing variation that leads tonu necessary contemplation is crucial. Simply put, remove what does not addnvalue to your customer’s satisfaction. Target quality control and assurance andnstreamline processes to give yourself and your team a perspective.
It is important that the organization provides thenstakeholders, teammates with Six Sigma course or Six Sigma Certification Training. Simply because it takes expertise to contribute to the Six Sigmanprocesses of problem-solving and streamlining. Unless your teammates understandnthe purpose of using Six Sigma strategies, implementing those into their team’snefforts would not be possible. The team has to be proficient in tools andnmethodologies that are widely utilized in Six Sigma so that operations run smoothly. Adopting a special knowledge system to train your team will onlynreduce the risk of project failures.
nBringing positive results and transformation is the ultimate objective here. Ideally, to achieve that goal, your team must be consistent, flexible and open to changes and of course, responsive. Why? Because once you have received the results of one plan, you need to feed the next plan. The output of one process is the input of another. That is to say, to avoid repetition of errors, it is mandatory to maintain quality.Subsequently, before taking every step, the question you need to ask yourself is, ‘is this step bringing me any closer to the ultimate, desired Change or Goal?’Severalncenturies ago, what Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher said is still relevant in this day and age – “Quality is notnan act, it is a habit.” and forming any habit is a continuous process,isn’t it?So, what can help you achieve that continuity? Here are Six Sigma Models and Tools to the rescue!
Define | Define |
Measure | Measure |
Analyze | Analyze |
Improve | Design |
Control | Verify |
DMAIC is beneficial for enhancing the effectiveness ofnyour current processes, whereas DMADV is used toncreate and develop new products or processes.For continuous, harmonious process functioning, these arensome of the most helpful Six Sigma Tools:
Read ‘Six Sigma Problem-solving Methods’ for a comprehensive view of Six Sigma tools and models.To become a Six Sigma certifiednprofessional is to assure your organization of your problem-solving and analyticalnskills.There are diverse kinds of tests to check your knowledge of Six Sigma. If you are planning to opt for a Six Sigma course, you need to first check your profile’s suitability with the Six Sigma Certification you are aiming at.
six sigma certification structure
To sum up, proactive usage of Total Quality Management system leads to successful overall quality operations in the organizations. Satisfied customers, motivated team members, and increased profits are some of the factors that make us believe that the adoption of Six Sigma is the best and most effective business support that we can always rely on.nnNeed more Six Sigma training-specific information?Visit us here.
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